Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exploring our new backyard

We took a break from moving/unpacking and went exploring around our new home. We found several large rocks that the kids could pose on.

The woods on our property are just beautiful. There is a particular tree that Jonathan and I have named our favorite. It is a huge Beech tree. As with many things in nature it's size is difficult to capture in a picture. I'm looking forward to more attempts but for now..
There were so many beautiful things to see this time of year. Fall is definitely my favorite. It was a great time for the kids to find trees they wanted to identify as well as other neat finds.

I enjoy every morning I wake up here even though I'm exhausted from our move. Hopefully the move part of things will be over very soon. Until then I can still take a walk and see this.


  1. So, um, you moved. I never got the we-need-help-moving-and-don't-forget-to-bring-cookies email.

  2. Technically we have moved but we are still moving "stuff" and we had so much help the big moving day. We had 10 people, 1 cattle trailer, 4 regular trailers and help watching the kids. You guys are so busy and if I didn't think we had enough help I would have asked. We had so much that someone was standing around waiting for us to tell them what to do. Please come and visit me!!! And all 10 cent info is welcome. We are working this winter on our orchard and fencing....help welcome there. ;)
    I appreciate the offers and the harassment....oh, and I hope this doesn't crush the cookie deal ;)
