Tuesday, July 26, 2011


One thing I've learned from my kids is that they have incredible imaginations. And one way we like to use that is through "making whatever" or getting rid of a lot of my useless junk! I walk around the house (which doesn't take long) and find odds and ends from other craft projects to a toilet paper roll salvaged from the trash...yes, I dumpster dive in my own home. If I can find a good place to put it I may just make a basket for collecting said junk.

And here are what the girls come up with:

Emily created a mask of some kind.
Lauren created dinosaurs and her initials.

Not to be left out, Thomas has fun with his "box". I know really creative name but the "box" contains a little bit of whatever too. I pull it out whenever the girls are working at the table. It helps to keep him out of his sisters business.

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